Sunday, January 11, 2009

Its time for a change!

Since starting my career back in 2005 I have spent a lot of my time trying to bring work to Wanganui to support my home town, and to develop a studio where I could work with my family and friends but its time to grow up and move on.

Finding out about my Asperger's Syndrome, my son Tyler's Autism, and how life will not be the same has added to an interesting few years but its time for a change.

My wife Shana and I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people, and through Sexy Backs we have also met some wonderful souls too. But, just like my career, its time for some changes and Sexy Backs is going to have a holiday whilst we get things organised. It will be back early 2009.

Over a long and stressful couple of weeks, decisions have been made. I have decided that 2009 will not be like the past few years.

Anyway, Wanganui isn't going to be home for much longer. I am about to take the first steps on what will hopefully be a long and exciting journey.

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